Why I started a blog?

Why I started a blog?

This article is inspired by the latest session in the Hashnode Technical Writing Bootcamp III.


3 min read

Blogging is an incredible skill you can have as a developer. Hashnode gives you the opportunity to blog freely and get into a developer community. If you haven't joined the community, please click here to sign up.

Blogging is producing content in form of an article. Blogging is about how you provide value to your audience. Here is why I started blogging.

Reasons why I started blogging.

  • To tell my story. When the year 2021 begun, I purposed to teach myself to code consistently with the help of freeCodeCamp and w3schools. I begun with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Of course, with reading, there is a need for you to take down notes. Blogging was the best choice to document my lessons, and therefore I joined Hashnode to document my learning journey.
  • To stand out. I chose to start blogging because I wanted to stand out. Originally, I was among the people that only consume or view content. However, blogging gave me a chance to create my own content. I chose to join the 1% of the users that actively create content instead of the 99% of the users that just view the content.
  • To develop and improve my writing ability. Starting a blog has a huge impact on your writing skills. When I started out, I wasn't confident about my ability to write. But as you are aware, skill is developed by doing something consistently. In order to develop a writing skill, I decided to blog consistently and in turn, this has stretched my creativity.
  • To confront my fears. As an introvert, I found it hard to put myself out there because of my fears. One of my fears was being noticed, blogging helped me come out from hiding. Another fear was imposter syndrome, the feeling of not being good enough. However, the latter applies to both introverts and extroverts. I used blogging to overcome imposter syndrome as it encouraged me to research more about the particular topic before I write about it which improved my confidence levels.
  • To build my personal brand. When I started out to blog, initially I had no idea that building a personal brand was one of the benefits of blogging. Thanks to Colby Fayock who spoke in one of Hasnode's Bootcamp III sessions on how that to stand out by building a personal brand. It's this session that gave me the knowledge about how blogging can help in building a personal brand. I'm now focused to maintain the consistency of my blogging game so that I can build my brand and provide value to readers.

My future blogging plan

I am a newbie in tech that enjoys anything related to tech. I am currently learning JavaScript. My blogging plan is to share what I learn, and so I am majorly focused on documenting my learning process.


As people say, do not wait to start tomorrow. Start today and enjoy the benefits of blogging. Remember, every expert was once a beginner. Get out of the shell and make your hands dirty.

Until next time, stay tuned!!